By: Sydney Brammer
On Wednesday, May 12th at 11:30 AM, the Redwood Gigantea hosted a Candidate Forum in room 207 interviewing all of the students running for class officer and Executive Board positions. You can find the recorded forum on the Gigantea or the video below:
There are two students running for Sophomore Vice-President; Riley Yagle, ’24 and Keira Bixler, ’24.
To carry on Redwood’s traditions and to pick back up from the pandemic, Yagle wants to make more posters of upcoming events so students are more aware, and have the ability to get more involved in school activities. She would also like to have more Instagram posts so students know more of future events since in today’s time, most students follow the Redwood page. Students should vote for Yagle because she is “very spirited… [and] wants more spirit,” she says.
The second candidate, Bixler was the Freshmen class President this year, so she has experience on what they do and any improvement that can be made for the next year. She states how “crazy” her outfits were for dress-up days during this year, and how she plans to bring that spirit back to the Redwood campus to make next year a memorable year. She wants to make “sure Redwood stays the most spirited school in the Valley.”
“I’ll do anything for Redwood.”
Keira Bixler, ’24, Sophomore Vice-President Candidate
There are three students running for Sophomore President; Jonathan Luna, ’24, Roamie Gailey, ’24, and Izek Nelson, ’24.
The first candidate, Luna states how this year was tough for all ASB members and that each student was a leader “in their own way.” Being the Freshmen Vice President this year at Redwood, Luna got to learn the traditions of the school and how things run and tried to bring spirit to his class the best he could.
Luna explains that students should vote for him because he is “flexible.” Meaning, he can easily adjust to unexpected circumstances and take students’ opinions and thoughts into consideration for new ideas to bring to Redwood.
The second candidate, Gailey’s goal for the next year is to “try to inspire people…” and that it is “okay to open up.” After this difficult year, Gailey understands that many students have closed up and found their comfortable bubble to hide in. She wants to work with students to be comfortable being themselves and get back to the “normal”.
“I’m one of them… we’re all friends.”
Roamie Gailey, ’24, sophomore president candidate
Finally, the last candidate, Nelson has experience in ASB as he was a member during his first year as a high school student. During ASB he has done his best to remain “positive,” and that he will be a “good advocate for Sophomores.” Nelson wants spirit days to be an aspect to the reason that will bring the spirit back to Redwood. His goal is to make Redwood “bounce back.”
There are two candidates running for Junior Vice-President; Madison Fortney, ’23 and Jocelyn Trevino, ’23.
During this unfortunate year, Fortney says she has done her best “remaining positive through everything.” She wants not only her class, but all of Redwood’s students to get involved as much as they can and to “be themselves.”
Fortney believes students should vote for her because she occupies a “high-work power,” along with a “good attitude and [she is] positive.”
The other candidate, Trevino has done her part of being a leader at Redwood by helping her friends to “take a deep breath and work through it.” Students should vote for her because she is a “hard worker, [has] a positive attitude,” and she “know[s] what it feels like to feel uncomfortable to be yourself.”
The only candidate for Junior class President, Lexi Ellis, ’23 has experience in ASB, so she has been on the inside to see the works of Redwood’s leadership and has put the work in to make Redwood great. For next year, Ellis is going to put “more work in” along with her fellow ASB teammates to keep Redwood the best school in the Valley. To do this, one thing she plans on continuing is putting up more posters to get information out to students.
The only candidate running for Senior class Vice-President is Alayla Ayala, ’22, who was unable to attend the forum.
The only candidate running for Senior class President is Shelby Wisehart, ’22. She was the Junior class President this year and with this experience, she plans on bringing new traditions to Redwood next year such as a Mr. and Ms. Ranger along with a Homecoming Queen and King due to the recent changes that occurred this year when a boy won Queen.
Having the role as Junior class President, Wisehart has built “incredible organizational skills by balancing multiple tasks through multiple organizations,” which will help her be a stronger president her Senior year.
Since she is the only candidate, she will be the Senior class President next year and with this authority, Wisehart plans to “cultivate a campus culture that allows a bridge between ASB and students to be made by opening conversations via Instagram that gives a chance for students to be heard.”
Since she will be president, Wisehart has already started planning for new ideas for next year. She wants to have an Instagram account dedicated to only Redwood Seniors where they can go to for information that pertains only to them. It will include information on “Senior Sunrise, Senior shirts, class meetings, class pictures, superlative nominations, graduation announcements,” and many more. With this, her goal is to create better communication and spread of information which will ultimately lead to an increase in participation.
Wisehart is “super hyped” for the upcoming year and is ready for her and the rest of the Senior class to especially “show the younger Rangers how things are done at RHS and instill the traditions we [Seniors] know and love into them!”
The two candidates running for the Executive Board position: Spirit Coordinator are Jacob Shin, ’23 and Savannah Torres, ’23.
According to Torres, the job of the Spirit Coordinator is “organizing and preparing sporting events to the best ability while promoting positivity, participation, and overall school spirit.”
Shin has been a member of ASB, so he knows what it’s like when organizing and preparing for events. For the next school year, he plans to have more lunch-time activities and wants to get as many students as possible involved, and to “bring more spirit” to campus.
Torres, who was unable to attend the forum, has also been a member of ASB. She says ASB has taught her to be “responsible and knowing that the work [ASB] put into it is what makes [Redwood] campus and events turn out so awesome!”
She is running because she wants to make the next school year’s events “unforgettable”.
“I want students to experience Redwood traditions in the best way possible, especially new students at Redwood, class of 2024 and our incoming class of 2025.”
Savannah torres, ’23, spirit coordinator candidate
The only candidate running for the Executive Board position: Inter-Club Commissioner is Jackson Marquez, ’23. He was the Freshmen class President his Freshman year, and the Sophomore class Vice-President this year. With his experience in being a leader, his goal for the next year is to get more students involved in Redwood’s yearly traditions.
According to Marquez, the job of the Inter-Club Commissioner is to increase involvement in the Redwood Ranger students in traditions and events. He is wanting this position because he would “love to have experience on the Executive Board before running for ASB Vice-President” his Senior year.
Marquez adds in regards to his plans for next year, “I would love to start involving students within some of our [ASB] workdays… we could have a better sense of unity.”
The only candidate running for the Executive Board position: Rally Commissioner is McKenzie Branch, ’22, who was unable to attend the forum. She was involved in ASB this year as the Commissioner of Community Service and also has experience in leadership from middle school, church, and her job.
According to Branch, the role of the Rally Commissioner is to “organize and promote spirit at things like sporting events or assemblies.” She is running because she hopes to put together “exciting rallies and assemblies on campus.”
Because Branch is the only candidate, she will be the Rally Commissioner for next year and she has the “drive to make awesome rallies happen!” When her ideas are executed for the next year, she hopes students will become excited.
The only candidate running for the Executive Board position: Treasurer is Alyssa Sozinho, ’23. Her goal for the next year is to get more students excited like the energy Redwood “used to have”.
Sozinho was the Freshmen class President her Freshman year and was the Sophomore class Vice-President this year.
“This is my life. I’m at Redwood all the time.”
Alyssa sozinho, ’23, the 2021-2022 asb treasurer
According to Sozinho, the Treasurer’s job is to keep track of all of ASB’s funds along with all of the funds of Redwood’s clubs. She says, “… I could use the funds we have, and the funds I could raise to give Redwood a year of memories…”
Some new ideas Sozinho wants to instill in Redwood’s events for next year are “picnics in the quad and drive-in movie nights on campus.” Her goal is to “… make kids fall back in love with school.”
The only candidate running for the Executive Board position: Secretary is Keira Griffiths, ’23. She has been involved in leadership since 5th grade as it has “always been a major passion” of hers.
According to Griffiths, the job of the Secretary entails of keeping records of everything that happens in ASB. She wants this job because it “fits [her] detail-oriented personality.”
“Next year I plan on using my enthusiasm and love for Redwood through all activities when it comes to planning and decorating for big events on campus.”
Keira griffiths, ’23, the 2021-2022 secretary
The only candidate running for the Executive Board position: ASB Vice-President is Kiley Langford, ’22. Langford has been a member of ASB for the past two years, but has also been involved in leadership at every school she has ever attended.
“Leadership is something that’s always been a part of my life.”
Kiley Langford, ’22, the 2021-2022 asb vice-president
Langford is excited to be able to represent the Redwood Student Body with a high title, she says that she is “prepared”.
Her biggest goal for the next school year is to “reignite the school spirit we [Redwood] lost due to Covid.” To do this, her and the future ASB President will “lead the class [ASB] in coming up with ideas and ways to really emphasize the school spirit Redwood had.”
She adds, “…Redwood needs that reminder that we are the best school in the Valley, especially the Freshmen that really have not experienced many school events and school spirit.”
The only candidate running for the Executive Board position: ASB President is Brielle Alvarez, ’22. She has been a part of ASB since her Freshman year as she was the Freshman class President, Sophomore class President, and then held a position on the Executive Board as the Inter-Club Commissioner this year.
According to Alvarez, the job of ASB President is to simply “be there for the school.” She says, “No matter what situation you’re in, you should know what you signed up for and that means you should be there.” Leading into this, Alvarez has decided to run because she knows “what it takes for Redwood to have a good year.”
Alvarez has many plans and new ideas for the 2021-2022 school year including a Homecoming King and Queen as the future Senior class President, Shelby Wisehart mentioned.
Voting starts tomorrow, the 20th at 8:00 AM and ends Friday, the 21st at 3:30 PM. You can find the link in the RHS Instagram bio, scan a QR-code on a poster around campus, or go to the ASB room, room 31.
Sydney Brammer
Sydney Brammer, '22 is currently in her fourth year writing for the Redwood Gigantea. She has a strong passion for featuring the humans of Redwood, and enjoys putting the spotlight on the underdog. She has written for the Visalia Times Delta and Sungazette Sports. You can reach her by email at
Tags: ASB, asb elections, government and politics, redwood asb, redwood gigantea, redwood journalism, redwood rangers, sydneybrammer