By: Alana Soukkhasem

Following last year, the color guard team has been progressing constantly in preparation for championships, and is performing well with excitement along the way. 

Kayla McHardy ‘21 says, “We are in winter guard season right now, on our way to championships which are in Clovis. I can say for myself we are improving! We are top three currently, and we are really excited for championships”.

Hardy says “I’m glad we are getting the opportunity to grow the color guard community and tradition not only at Redwood, but also in the area”.

When it comes to their(winter guard) time to perform, it is outstanding how much hard work these students have when they make a remarkable place in the field. These competitions are quite a challenge and a huge responsibility for students on the team.

“Competitions are very stressful, and our most recent one was no different. Setting up and taking down before and after our performance is when everyone stresses out the most. Because our show is quite long, we have to move quickly to ensure we don’t go over time,” Graciela Garcia ‘23 said.

This team feels like these competitions are an “emotional roller coaster,” because although the students have a tendency to feel on edge, they are encouraged by each other. 

McHardy ‘21 said, “During competition, we would try to enjoy it as much as possible, on the bus rides, getting equipment, to keep our guard members hyped up, but still put in that hard work that we have been practicing on for weeks every competition we go to.”

She adds, “We give our 110% every time!”

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