Redwoods Girls Golf team has started their EYL season with matches against El Diamante and Monache and have already shown dominance on the Green.
By: Adriana Soria-Rosales
In most golf matches, everyone plays 9 holes, which is half of a full course. As a team, Redwood has been doing really well these past few weeks, and individually the girls have been getting very low scores, which is great for the team as a whole.
Girls Golf competed against Monache last Wednesday the 19th and placed first as a team. Emma Prouty, ’28, Sophie Caballes, ’26, and Luciana Taylor, ’26, competed in both the El Diamante (El D) and Monache matches. These three both believe they individually played well, along with the team doing well and placing first in both matches.

and make her shot
Photo courtesy of Prouty
Prouty has been showcasing her skills these past weeks. She shared she has only been playing for two years, and trains outside of school in an academy at Valley Oaks Golf Course. Prouty shared how she felt her match against Monache went for her: “It went good. I could have done better. I just rushed a little bit, but we got an amazing score, so that was good.”
Caballes was proud to share that in the El D match many of the girls competing for Redwood got very low scores. “A lot of our scores were under fifty, which is crazy because our scores have never been better,” says Caballes.
If Caballes is not playing her best she would rather better the team and play, “conservatively… I’m not going to try to hit risky shots to try and make my score better.”

Photo A.Soria-Rosales/Gigantea
When Caballes was asked if she feels she has gotten better while playing at Redwood, she had a very positive response saying she feels since freshmen year she has grown. “I never knew I’d be playing this well and I’m excited to see how much better I can get!,” says Caballes.
A majority of the girls train outside of school to keep them at the top of their game. Taylor says she trains in an academy all year around. She feels she has improved and has gotten better in the past two matches.
Taylor shared that she is very confident in herself and her skills. “It depends on what I’m hitting. There’s some that are like, that’s risky, but I can do it. Other times I just have to play it safe.”
Taylor wanted to add, “I love golf and my favorite thing about it is how small of a team we are because it makes us closer.”
Tags: rangers, Redwood, redwood gigantea, redwood girls golf, redwood golf, redwood high school, redwood journalism, redwood rangers, redwood sports, rhs, rhs girls golf, rhs gold, visalia ca