A little of Redwood’s diverse club’s purposes, ways of standing out, goals, and events for the new school year.  

By: Scarlett Davila

Redwood has clubs for diverse cultures, each unique to what it represents. In this article, two club presidents and one vice president are interviewed about information regarding their club. There are more clubs for diversity and these three clubs have shared the goals and ways of making members feel safe to inform people how the clubs work.

LatinX Student Union’s President, Annalissa Lira, ’25, says, “The purpose of LatinX Student Union is to create a diverse safe space on campus for Hispanic students in general.”

To get more people involved each club has a unique different tactic. Lira says the Latin X club tries to engage with social media and recently created a community outreach team, put flyers up, and encourages people to bring a friend or two to the club.

Middle Eastern Club’s President, Tara Khazaeizadeh, ’25, says, “Middle Eastern Club is to bring all the different cultures and languages from the Middle East together.”

LatinX Student Union Sign at Fall Club Day 2024
Photo A.Ceballos/Gigantea

Khazaeizadeh says, “I try to go around campus and tell them we have this Middle Eastern club and I was wondering if you’d be interested.”

Black Student Union’s purpose is that the club intends to produce further recognition of the Black culture. 

Alyssa Vasquez, ’25, says “We try encouraging people to join by having field trips and provide food for people to come.”

These clubs all strive to gain more people, bring more awareness to these cultures, and reach a bigger audience. 

Khazaeizadeh says, “As of right now, we have very few club members but I hope to attract more Middle Eastern people.”

LatinX held big events last year like Día De Los Muertos, and Quadchella during the week of Cinco De Mayo. Quadchella was also during Multicultural week which was a dress-up week. That Friday they held a baile in the quad for all students.

Vasquez says, “We are supposed to have a black history event that happened last year, [as well as] a Rawhide event, [which] usually all happens in February.”

The Middle Eastern club actively organizes events during Middle Eastern holidays such as Eid and Nowruz. They consistently schedule meetings and potlucks around these important holiday times. Khazaeizadeh says that these events are a bunch of fun. 

Scarlett Davila
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