With Winter Formal around the corner, here is the need to know to make sure the night is a fairytale.

By: Beth Musto

The annual Winter Formal dance is being held at the Mt. Whitney gym on December 7th, from 8 pm to 11 pm.

Tickets are on sale from 12/2 to 12/6 at the finance center.

Prices for the tickets may vary. With an ASB sticker, $30. Without an ASB sticker, $40. And at the door, $55.

The theme this year is Frozen Fairytale, so make sure to gather your friends or date and have a fantastic night!

Beth Musto
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Beth Musto '26, is a third-year Journalist for the Redwood Gigantea and is a writer for Clubs & Lifestyles, and is the assistant editor-in-chief. She is a part of CSF and is the secretary for the Paperback Rangers Book Club. Her email is, beth.mu3554@vusd.us


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