Th Front Page of the Redwood Journal, (the Redwood Gigantea's original name) MArch 9th, 1956

Be Sure to see “Beat To Bop”

Curtain Time Set For 8PM



“Curtain goes up” tonight at 8.00pm in Montgomery Auditorium for “Beat to Bop”, Redwood High School’s second annual all-school show. The show will also be presented tomorrow evening, Saturday, March 10th. Tickets are being sold around the campus for only 50¢ by any FFA or Choir member. THey will be sold on a first come first serve basis. Tickets will be sold at the door.

Mrs. Annin, show director-producer, says that all people who do attend the production will not go away disappointed. She said that the show has over 250 students at Redwood High participating or helping with the planning of the program.

All the stage scenery and props are being made and painted by the very capable classes of Mrs. Shirk. THe props will be made of cardboard or paper and will ne put into each act symbolizing either the nature or the performance or the time that this certain musical act was famous.

Student committe planning the show included Carolyn Brown as chairman; Jim Abercrombie, Manuel Alvarez, Betty Bruckner, Margaret Croden, Elaine Count, JoAnn Edgar, Grady Harp, DIck Jones, Edwin Schmelzer, Marilyn Siskey, Curly Weiss, and Patsy Williams.

“Beat to Bop” will tell of the history of music from the very beginning down to today’s “cool bop.” The show will headline 22 acts of performances ranging from an Egyptian dance to an old-fashioned melodrama and Olio act.


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