Homecoming is a long-standing tradition of Redwood along with many other high schools around the country.

ASB spends weeks planning themes and activities to make the week as fun as possible. From dress-up days to a Queen and King, they make sure that Redwood students have a memorable Homecoming every year.

Hours of planning and organization go into creating the best possible experience for students. But who leads them? Who leads the people that make the Redwood experience as best as it can be?

The answer to that question is Redwood’s very own, Mrs. Hailey Aston.

Aston is Redwood’s ASB director. She makes it possible for ASB to put on memorable events and celebrate Redwood’s traditions.

Mrs. Aston
Photo courtesy of Ayla Ozturk, ’24

Aston chose to be the ASB director because she had participated in ASB when she was a student herself. She was excited to lead students in something she loved doing.

As soon as she saw the listing, she knew she wanted the job to take on that challenge that is leading the representatives of the student body.

“I did ASB in high school, so I knew what to expect. When I saw this job posted in Visalia, I was excited. I didn’t have a ton of training. I saw the challenge and I was excited, I think that’s what drew me to the position,” Aston says.

As the ASB director, Aston has many duties such as organizing school events, managing the ASB students, dealing with club paperwork, and much more.

She works hard to make sure the students of Redwood have a fun high school experience, one they will remember even years after they graduate.

Both the sophomore class (’24) and freshman class (’25) have never experienced Homecoming before. ASB wants to make Homecoming an amazing first experience.

Courtesy of Ayla Ozturk, ’24

Aston describes Homecoming as so, “Homecoming is a chance for the seniors to- almost for the last time, experience what it means to go to Redwood and to participate in all of the fun activities.”

She continues, “It’s just another chance to highlight and remember why you go to Redwood, why you love it here, all of that.”

Aston loves the fact that Homecoming is “crazy and fun,” and she hopes that the underclassmen will see it that way, too.

Both Aston and ASB have many exciting plans for Redwood to have its comeback to semi-normal school life.

Aston’s favorite part about her job is getting to see students enjoy their high school experience, and get excited about school events.

“High school can be hard sometimes, so having things like Cowhide [and] dress-up days, things that bring that light and fun. I enjoy seeing kids have fun,” Aston says.

Ayla Ozturk
+ posts

Ayla Ozturk, class of 2024, is a fourth-year journalism student passionate about leading the News section. She is dedicated to informing students and amplifying their voices through Government and Politics writing.

You can reach her at ayla.oz3769@vusd.us.


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