By: Krissy Hetherington

On Friday, August 30th, Redwood sealed their first win of the 2019 season against Dinuba High, 28-25.  A large crowd as well as packed student sections from both sides, gathered to watch Redwood head coach, Kevin Scharton face off against his former team. This rivalry brought television worthy attention which led to even more energy and excitement in the air.

Before the game, Scharton was impressed by the team’s ability to adjust to his coaching changes as well as new staff, “”I like the chemistry with all 3 teams. We have very good coaches and they’re tireless, put a lot of hours in to get a plan done. The relationship they have with their players is my favorite part…it makes the players want to play for the coaches even more.” His decision to run a pro set offense for all three levels of Redwood Football led to a clean sweep against Dinuba.

Key components that contributed to Varsity’s win were James Richardson’s 3 touchdowns, Caden Shafer’s 94 total yards rushed, and Kaleb Wright’s jump on a Dinuba drop ball in the Redwood end zone. Also, Redwood’s strong defense proved to be critical against Dinuba’s offense. Players like Quinton Johnson, Marcus Correa, and Hudson Walker forced multiple incomplete passes.

The first quarter consisted of back and forth possessions. Both teams getting close to scoring position but neither being able to capitalize.

Scharton described the game to be a “chess game, constant adjustment to each other, but when it’s all said and done, we have to do what we do and make them adjust to us and compliment our offense.” 

He was convinced Dinuba was going to rely on their throwing game against Redwood. He wasn’t wrong. Dinuba’s Josh Magana threw heavy for the duration of the game but in the first half, Redwood’s defense was hungry and determined to interfere.

The first touchdown of the game was a result of a multiple first downs and a penalty on Dinuba putting Redwood in scoring position on the 5. James Richarson takes advantage of this and within two plays rushes for the Rangers’ opening touchdown of the season. The field goal by Reid Terry was good leaving 7-0 for now.

A few plays later, during Dinuba possession, Magana missed the snap as the ball travelled over his head. Both teams hurried for the ball but finally ended up in Kaleb Wright’s hands in the end zone for another Redwood touchdown.  Kick good again as the score stood as 14-0. 

During Redwood’s next possession, the team was able to put together some strong plays for ball carriers and ended with Richardson rushing for another touchdown. With about two minutes left of the first half, the kick was good and was the end of scoring action at 21-0. Redwood’s defense was able to hold Dinuba from a first down the entire first half.

Dinuba wasn’t ready to give up. They came out fighting in the second half as expected. To start the quarter though, Dinuba acted first and Magana was able to connect off an 11 yard pass to Gabriel Moreno in the endzone. The kick was blocked by Hudson Walker resulting in a score of 21-6. No further action occurred in the third quarter.

In the fourth, Caden Shafer was a force to be reckoned with as he was able to rush for a few first downs leading up to Richardson’s third touchdown with 7 minutes left of the last quarter. Terry’s kick was good as the score 28-6. This was the last time Redwood scored but was barely enough against Dinuba’s attempt to comeback.

A few plays later, Dinuba’s quarterback really started to act on the expectation of a strong throwing game. He was able to connect on consistent passes which ended with the Emperor’s second touchdown of the game. Magana was able to connect on a 17 yard pass to Moreno. The two point conversion pass failed as the scored came out as 12-28.

Next Dinuba possession, Redwood slowly watched their lead slip away as Magana threw yet another successful pass into the endzone. The 6 yard catch was by Brian Campbell. Dinuba attempted to keep the momentum as they attempted yet another 2 point conversion but the run failed, 18-28.

Dinuba’s final act with a 1:30 left was a QB sneak by Magana as the kick was good as well. With the score standing at 25-28, Redwood secured the victory on the next, and final possession. Redwood’s defense came in clutch in the second half as they were able to save the game and only allowed 1/6 extra points.

The Emperors put up a strong fight but it wasn’t enough against Redwood and Scharton’s new offensive, defensive, and special teams plans.

Richardson tallied 3 touchdowns and received a “Player of the Game” award from one of the hosting shows, Friday Night Rivals, “I couldn’t have done this without my team, we executed well, and my defense held it down…”

Caden Shafer played a key role with his 94 total yards rushed helping lead Redwood to success on offense, “Since they already knew what we run and we’ve done film on them, it came down to who wanted it more and worked harder…Without my linemen we wouldn’t have been able to come out on top, teamwork makes the dream work, that’s what it came down to.”

Redwood’s next game is next Friday against Tulare Union at the Bob Mathias Stadium at 7:30.

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Krissy Hetherington
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Krissy ('21) is a senior and this is her third year as Editor in Chief. She has been in Journalism since beginning of freshman year and has a strong passion for sports journalism. Outside of the Gigantea, Krissy is a part of the Cross Country, Basketball and Track teams. She is also in her third year as an intern writer for the Sun-Gazette. You can reach her by email at