A transfer from Clovis North High School, who joined Redwood High School his Junior year and is on the Varsity Baseball team. After living most of his life in Exeter, than moving to Clovis, he soon realized coming back home felt right.
By: Clara Houser and Reagan King
Baseball has always been a big part of Kittinger’s life, so continuing to play baseball, even if he’s at a different school is very important to him. He says, “There’s a lot of differences playing here rather than at North, the main one being that the coaches here let you be who you are as a player. They don’t hold you back in anyway and they understand that at the end of the day we’re still teenagers.”
Making the transition from school to school can be hard on a student, but Hunter Kittinger, ’25, makes it look easy. He says, “It feels really good moving schools, at first it was a little bit different and took some time getting used to but overall it was a very smooth and easy transition.”
Kittinger, ’25, says, “All the guys were super welcoming as soon as I stepped on campus but I would have to say one guy that I clicked with pretty quick would have to be Mateo.”
Mateo Alonzo, ’24, a Varsity Baseball Player, says, “Hunter has impacted the team by taking more of a leader role as an upperclassman. He’s constantly helping the other catchers and giving feedback as well as receiving. Overall he’s a great player and a teammate.”
He says, “I connected with him in the first week of school and we bonded like we’ve known each other for a long time.”
Coach Hydash, the head coach for the Varsity baseball team, says, “Hunter is a good athlete, that will hopefully lengthen our lineup. He works hard and is always looking for input from coaches to improve his game.”
Hydash says, “His full impact will become more apparent one game start up, but he brings lots of energy to practices. He likes to compete, and it shows in his daily practice habits.”