Redwoods Cross Country team speaks about their season so far.

By: Aiden Harris

The Redwood Cross Country team has been preparing for this season all summer long, by doing distance running around the neighborhood next to Redwood: running 3-7 miles for JV and over 10 miles for varsity. 

Ryan Ekk, ‘28, is very excited to start off the season and doesn’t plan to stop. Ekk says that he ran 3-7 miles every week with his teammates this summer.

“I’m looking forward to [our season]. Our team is going to be really good, especially on varsity boys,” says Ekk.

Ryan Ekk, ‘28
Photo A.Harris/Gigantea

Ekks goal for this season is to “run a 5k in under 21 minutes.”

On September 21st, at the Redwood Invitational at Ridgeview Middle School, Ekk ran 5,000 meters in 27 minutes and 58.11 seconds, and took 27th place out of 45 runners in the Frosh/Soph race.

Hunter Skoglund, ‘25, is pumped for this season and ready to take on his events. Skoglund says, “the varsity cross country team has worked nonstop everyday Monday through Saturday, running every morning.”

Hunter Skoglund, ‘25
Photo Gigantea

Skoglund also said, “I am feeling confident in myself this season. I’m coming off a not-so-great season, but I’ve been able to pick myself up and have been working hard, so I’m feeling good for this season.” 

Skoglund’s goal for the season is “to qualify for state at the valley championship meet and to hit top 10.” This is his goal because he wants to leave his senior year strong.

Skoglund ran 5,000 meters in 15 minutes and 39.88 seconds and took 1st place in the varsity race at the Redwood Invitational.

Jack Arreola, ‘27
Photo A.Harris/Gigantea

Jack Arreola, ‘27, is very confident in his team this season and worked nonstop to prepare for this season.

Arreola says, “We’ve been doing a lot of mileage this year, we’ve been running about 40-60 miles every week this summer, and now that we are in season we have been focusing more on speed work.”

Arreola has been pushing himself to be the greatest and said, “I really hope to just PR in all areas in my running: 1 mile, 2 mile and 5k. I really hope our team culture grows stronger through this.” This is his goal because he wants to value growth.

Arreola ran 5,000 meters in 16 minutes and 15.89 seconds, and took 3rd place in the varsity race at the Redwood Invitational.

The next Cross Country meet is on Friday, September 27th, at Mooney Grove Park for the 51st Annual Douglas P. Rudolf Invitational.

Arreola also said, “I’m really excited for this season. I feel like we’ve got a really strong team this year and we’re going to go far.”

Aiden Harris
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