By: Brandon Teela

Cowhide has been a constant staple in the Redwood culture. It is always the biggest game in Visalia, and hundreds of people come into town to watch the famous Battle of the Cowhide. It is always a must see. But what really happens behind the scenes?

Senior and star tight-end Sam Olson, ‘20, explains that there is a lot of stress going into Cowhide, he says, “It is not as terrible as the previous years, but it’s still very stressful.”

From buying and getting fitted for a tuxedo to the pressures of winning back the hide, every player handled the stress differently.

Each player was able to wear the tuxedo of their choice all day on Friday leading up to the big game. Every outfit was unique and some even represented their true personalities with bright colors and patterns.

Mitchell Wilson, ‘21, described the pressures of bringing to Hide home, “I definitely felt a sort of obligation to win especially since Whitney didn’t have the best record and we did, even still I was always very confident in our ability to bring back the hide.”

Despite the stress, the week also entailed lots of involvement and spirit around the Redwood Football program including lunchtime activities and a whole rally introducing each player. And also decorating each player’s house door wishing them luck the night before the big game.

“My favorite part of the week was all the games ASB had for us because [they] really brought the team together to hangout during the lunches,” said Aaron Garcia, ‘20.

Being a senior, Garcia also added, “Being part of my last cowhide was something I will never forget. There was just so much energy from the student section which made it ten times better.”

The previous two years have been nail-biters, in which Redwood had lost in the last few minutes of each game. Last year was a dagger in the hearts of Rangers everywhere. Whitney had the lead 25-0, Redwood scratches back into the lead 29-25, then in the final minute the Rangers let in what would be the game winning touchdown for the Pioneers.

This year Redwood made sure that would not happen and handled business with a 49-19 win. As the Hide makes its’ way back to Redwood, it means so much more to the players than just a game.

William Hernandez, ‘21 said that it is a huge accomplishment for the team, and he is, “just grateful to be a part of it.”

Wilson explains that Redwood is where the Hide belongs, that this is the school it “deserves”. He says, “Having been on the losing side last year and knowing that feeling, and then coming back and bringing it home, it really means the world.”

I just love the culture around campus, everyone knows it’s Cowhide, it’s our day, it’s Redwood’s Christmas

Sam Olson on Cowhide Week

For nearly 40 seniors, this will be their last Cowhide, and it will be one to remember forever. Olson explains that he would, “never change anything about Cowhide, not a chance.” He added that tradition is what makes us Redwood.

As players in this big game, it’s more than just Redwood versus Whitney . They play and fight for something so much bigger than that; the culture.

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