By: Tommy Echevarria

If Cross Country starts, they’ll be the first sport to begin play.

Chris Peralta, ‘21 transferred back to Redwood this year after attending Redwood his Freshman year as a Varsity runner in 2018. He’s a Varsity runner with a tremendous career ahead if he continues running in college.

A majority of Redwood athletes, including Peralta, are left confused about when Cross Country will start, although it’s said they’ll start around December, they’re still unsure on whether or not the government will restrict practices.

It’s unfortunate that sports are delayed for nearly a year. But when the door closed, another one opened for Peralta.

Normally Coach Joe, who is a former cross country and track coach would be able to advise Peralta on his workout in person, but with closure and Coach Joe not coaching Redwood anymore, Peralta’s not sure he’s confident in this upcoming season.

Peralta says, “It’s understandable because of the whole pandemic thing going on… I don’t think the season will start up anytime soon.”

As a friend of Peralta, I would believe he misses running with his team on the Ranger campus. Although, it’s stressful and worrisome for many athletes across the state. Athletes like Peralta are trying their best to accommodate during these uncertain times.

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