ASB Announces Cowhide Dress-Up Days
Redwood High School’s annual Cowhide spirit week will be the week of Monday, October 24, 2022.
Students React: Sanitary Products in Men’s Bathrooms
According to Assembly Bill No. 367, which details rights involving menstrual products, California schools must provide free menstrual products in all female and gender-neutral bathrooms and at least one male bathroom.
Redwood High School Offers ”Signs of Suicide” Training to Junior and Senior Campus Leaders
Redwood High School Counselors and the Tulare County Office of Education [TCOE] are collaborating to offer suicide prevention training to Juniors and Seniors in leadership positions at Redwood.
From the Principal’s Desk: Dr. Richard’s First Month at Redwood
Redwood High School recently welcomed Principal Amanda Richard, the school’s first female principal in over 20 years.