Mikayla Williamson
Rangers lose to Whitney in Cowhide: How do they feel?
By: Mikayla Williamson October 29, 2021 was the Redwood versus Mt. Whitney annual Cowhide game. Cowhide was an experience all Rangers will remember. Redwood has won 24 consecutive Cowhides from […]
Freshman thoughts on their first Harvest
The Harvest dance is a tradition for high school students, and for freshmen, it’s going to look a little different this year. Since Redwood is not having one at school […]
Student Voices: To mask or not to mask
Since school began on August 12, students have been required to wear masks indoors, and have been given the choice to wear them outdoors. Here are what some Redwood Rangers […]
School is back in-person, and it is helping students’ ‘mental health’
The 2019-2020 school year was very challenging for many, if not all students. Students had to learn to like online learning because that was the only option with COVID around. […]