Arts and Entertainment
Student Favorites of Musical Bye Bye Birdie’s Soundtrack
The “Bye Bye Birdie” performance is coming up in a few days after months of hard work from the Redwood drama department, a musical which includes a colorful and classical soundtrack from the early sixties.
Inside Job: Cancellation Deserved?
The Netflix original series Inside Job released the first half of season one on October 22, 2021, then the second half on November 18, 2022. The series was beloved by many and they were excited for season 2. However, Netflix decided to cancel Inside Job leaving many shocked.
Rangers High Expectations for New Music in 2023
With the new year in, rangers are excited for new music from their favorite artists.
Tech crew: “Bye Bye Birdie” backstage
This year on February 2,3, and 4 Redwood Theater performed the musical “Bye Bye Birdie”. A lot of people took part in preparations to create such an amazing show. The […]