By: Cecilia Rodriguez

Rangers give their thoughts and opinions as to whether they think the Harry Potter or Percy Jackson franchise is better.

Both Harry Potter and Percy Jackson are famous for their new view on the magical world of fiction. Harry Potter created a new view on wizards and witches alike, while Percy Jackson created a new aspect on Greek mythology.

Ever since they have been released, there has been an ongoing debate as to whether Harry Potter or Percy Jackson is better. Today, Rangers are going to be putting their insight as to who they believe is the superior hero.

Harry Potter movies in chronological
order (photo credits Google)

Gianna Soto, ‘26, says “I like Harry Potter more than Percy Jackson because it gives me a sense of nostalgia. The Percy Jackson characters seem like they’re more relatable, which is just something I’m not really interested in seeing on screen.”

She says, “I also like Harry Potter more because the character’s are well written and have a good dynamic between them.”

“Harry Potter is just a series that brings out all sorts of emotions to the audience, whereas Percy Jackson feels like it has something missing.”

When asked if there was any specific character she relates to in Harry Potter, Soto says, “Probably Luna or Ron. I relate to Ron because he has a large family, so he had expectations. I relate to Luna because she was different from the others so she was kind of picked on.”

Soto also says, “The moment when Dumbledore was giving a speech and said ‘it takes great courage to stick up to our enemies, but just as much to go stand up to our friends’ really stuck to me because the quote itself is really deep and is really meaningful whenever you look into it.”

Percy Jackson movies (photo credits Google)

Makenna Cuevas. ‘25, says “I prefer Percy Jackson because of all the adventures and different creatures it has. For me, it’s just less boring.” 

When asked if there’s any specific characters she likes, she says, “I really enjoyed the Medusa scenes, because I was super interested once I saw them.”

Similarly, Cuevas also says her favorite scenes were also the Medusa ones because “whenever [she] thinks of the movies, that comes to [her] head.”

Emma Sanchez, ‘24, says, “I like Harry Potter because it’s the only one I got into.”

Her favorite scene from the Harry Potter franchise was “when everyone was learning their patronus, or learning the Expecto Patronum spell. It was cool to see them discover the patronus’ that was unique to them.”

Isabel Barycki, ’26, says Harry Potter is her favorite franchise because “[she’s] only ever read one Percy Jackson book as a class assignment, but for Harry Potter, [she’s] read one book and seen all the movies in movie marathons.”

When asked if she relates to anyone, she says, “I relate to Luna Lovegood. I always get that I’m a very quiet person and that I’m always to myself. I feel like that kind of embodies Luna in a way. I ‘m also usually in my own world and doing my own thing.”

Barycki says, “my favorite scene would have to be the scene where Hermione is at the Yule Ball and she comes down in her dress and everyone says ‘oh my gosh, shes so pretty. I don’t know why, but as a kid, I really loved her dress.

She says, “also the scenes where Harry Potter was also fighting the dragons are really good scenes.”

“I think they’re both good series, but I have more of a connection with Harry Potter.”

It’s safe to say that both franchises have their own respective fans. Vote below for which boy you like.

Who is your boy?

Harry P or Percy J

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Cecilia Rodriguez
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Cecilia Rodriguez '25 is a first year writer on the Redwood Gigantea. She works for the Arts and Entertainment section.


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