Associated Student Body [ASB] President Izek Nelson has set goals for the 2023-2024 school year. He says the year will be filled with “fun and more interaction with the students.”
By Megan Yang
Izek Nelson, ’24, was elected as ASB President last Spring. As the 2023-2024 school year begins, he says he is “really excited [for this year].”
“I feel like the rally, the dance, and song really set the tone for the school and ASB, especially for the incoming freshmen,” Nelson says. “It showed how the year is going to go and how much work we need to put in.”
Nelson’s main goal this year is to teach everyone the Fight Song. “We learn the Alma Matter, and I feel like, as a school, we all know it,” he says.
He wants students to know that they should “try and get involved as much as they can” and that Redwood is “filled with rich culture that goes way back.”
Nelson plans to get students involved with Club Day. In addition, a big focus of his this year is leaning away from social media and having more interaction with students.
The next “big move” is Homecoming. “The parade won’t be in the [Mineral King] bowl this year, it will actually be around the school,” says Nelson. “I think [the parade] will turn out to be this awesome thing that we are starting again.”

Nelson says ASB’s focus is making sure the parade goes smoothly because “everybody that is in ASB now has never seen it, so it’ll be quite a challenge.”
He also wants to make the rallies in the gym “the best as possible,” he can.
Nelson says, “This school year is going to be fun. We got our gym back, and there will be cool rallies. I’m just so excited to be back and making things happen.”
Tags: 2023-2024, 23/24 school year, ASB, asb president, izek nelson, rangers, Redwood, redwood gigantea, redwood high school, redwood journalism, redwood news, redwood rangers, rhs, visalia ca