Hi, my name is Adriana Soria-Rosales. I enjoy writing stories about sports and hope to write more in the future.
The Club Zone Episode 7: Jackson Ford on Senior Life at Redwood
Podcast hosted by Hailey Burrow ’22 and Sydney Brammer ’22, and edited by Aidan Hatch ’22. In the seventh episode of the Club Zone Podcast, Burrow and Brammer bring on […]
Redwood Gigantea Vol 66 Issue 3 March 2022
nmillerWebsite | + postsBioImagine spending your days talking about ideas that you love with people you genuinely care about. Not bad, that. I advise some journalists and teach some literature at […]
Mr. And Mrs. Ranger Photo Gallery
By Abigail Miller Abigail MillerWebsite | + postsBioAbigail Miller ’22 is currently a fourth-year member of the Redwood Gigantea. As the Government & Politics page editor, lead photographer, and photography editor, […]
Freshman Thoughts on Upcoming Baseball Season
Redwood baseball is starting off their season strong, with a record of 2-0. Even though it is just the beginning of league, the team is determined to make it far and to win WYL. A strong team can be intimidating, especially for upcoming freshman. Here are some of the players thoughts on this years season.
The Verdict Is In: Another Successful Season For Redwood’s Mock Trial
Redwood’s Mock Trial is wrapping up their season, settling down from arguing their way through it. They’re now able to reflect upon the accomplishments had throughout their season.
Grade Level Meetings Address Spring Semester Concerns
Redwood High School Principal Matt Shin speaks to each grade level on March 21. Read for more.
Aspiring Redwood Artists Look to Showcase Talents in Upcoming “Writing on the Walls” Competition
This competition is a showcase of Redwood’s wonderful artists and poets creations. The competition results will be announced in early April.
Has Redwood given up? | The Ranger Lifestyle: Episode 3 with Caroline Cantelmi
By Micah Stipech Caroline Cantelmi ’24 discusses how the breaking point of stress can lead to giving up, and how we can combat that. Micah Stipech+ postsBioMicah Stipech, class of […]
Chamber Choir students share their excitement for their upcoming Cal Poly performance
By Donya Hassanshahi Members of the Redwood High School Chamber Choir share their enthusiasm in anticipation for their performance hosted at Cal Poly Friday, March 18. Students will be leaving […]
Everything Entertainment Special Episode 2: Chamber Choir Members Qualify for the ACDA Western Division Honor Choir
Podcast hosted and edited by Aidan Hatch ’22, and co-hosted by Kylen Gray-Jacobson ’22. In the second special episode of the Everything Entertainment Podcast Hatch and Gray talk to Tessa […]