Hi, my name is Adriana Soria-Rosales. I enjoy writing stories about sports and hope to write more in the future.
Rangers Say: Redwood’s bathroom privileges
By Devon McWilliams Redwood’s bathroom policy happens to be the most inconvenient problem for on-campus students. You’re in class waiting until the remainder of the period to ask the teacher […]
NBA Finals 2022: A return of the dynasty, or the beginning of a new one
By: Tyler Stark The 2022 NBA finals have arrived! Game 1 of the series is set for Thursday, June 5th at 6:00 PM PST. Basketball fans are in store for […]
Rangers’ Reactions to the 2022 Yearbook
May 24th was Redwood’s annual Log Night where the yearbook staff handed out the yearbook to those who purchased one. Rangers both involved with the yearbook class and not involved share their reactions to the 2022 Redwood Yearbook Capture the Comeback.
Teacher’s Reflect Back On The 2021-2022 School Year
With finals week approaching, teachers take the time to reflect back on the year and point out key moments that have been the best part.
The Product of Excellence: Harvard Bound [senior edition]
By Sydney Brammer Senior Laine Roper is the epitome of what excellence is at Redwood High School. She has managed to quietly achieve so much success within just her four […]
’22 final advice to the class of ’23
By Elli Hendrickson The 2022 school year is coming to an end with the ‘22 seniors saying their goodbyes. With the ‘22 seniors leaving, there were a few pieces of […]
ASB Vice President, Kiley Langford, reflects on ASB [senior edition]
After COVID-19 shut down schools in 2020, Redwood ASB [Associated Student Body] brought school spirit back with a bang. Langford, class of 2022, served as ASB Vice President. Langford describes the difficulty senior students had leading Redwood after the pandemic.
RHS to Offer Photography in Fall 2022
By Margo Moore Redwood High School offers a vast selection of clubs and electives to choose from to help students find their hobbies and passions. Mr. Miller, a Redwood teacher […]
A Year in Art: 2D Art Teacher Mr. Harris recaps the 2021-22 year
This year was the first back since 2019 when Covid hit for Mr. Harris’s 2D art class. Doing art over zoom was difficult and even overwhelming at times for the students. Being back in real life learning made Mr. Harris a lot happier and hopeful for the year.
Senior Edition 2022
Staff Report+ postsBioStaff Reporthttps://redwoodgigantea.com/author/staff-reports/A Heartfelt Farewell: “Log Video” Celebrates the Class of 2023Staff Reporthttps://redwoodgigantea.com/author/staff-reports/Print Edition: Issue 4 Volume 67 3.31.23Staff Reporthttps://redwoodgigantea.com/author/staff-reports/Vol 67-Issue 3 February 24, 2023Staff Reporthttps://redwoodgigantea.com/author/staff-reports/Cowhide Print Edition Vol.67 […]