Hi, my name is Adriana Soria-Rosales. I enjoy writing stories about sports and hope to write more in the future.

Everything Entertainment Season 2 Episode 8: The Birdie Stagecraft Episode

By Jalen Bullock | February 2, 2023

In this episode, Bye Bye Birdie Stagecrafters talk about production and thoughts before premiere of the first show. Recorded on: February 1st, 2023 Jalen Bullock+ postsBioJalen ´ 23 has a […]

Everything Entertainment Season 2 Episode7: The Birdie Episode

By Jalen Bullock | February 2, 2023

In this episode, Bye Bye Birdie leads Raul(Conrad Birdie) and Hailey (Kim MacAfee) talk about production and thoughts before premiere of the first show. Recorded on: February 2nd, 2023 Jalen […]

Runnin’ Redwood Episode 6 Season 1

By Donya Hassanshahi | February 2, 2023

By: Bella Aldridge, Keira Bixler, and Donya Hassanshahi In this episode of the Runnin’ Redwood podcast, Bella Aldridge, ’23, Keira Bixler, ’24, and Donya Hassanshahi, ’25 sit down with Antonella […]

It’s Opening Night!

By Brienna Burr | February 2, 2023

Thursday, February 2, 2023 is opening night of Redwood’s Spring Musical, “Bye Bye Birdie”. The performormers and crew are excited for tonight’s performance. 

Luciano Noguera stars as Mr. McAfee in Bye Bye Birdie

By Aaralyn See | February 2, 2023

Luciano Noguera ‘24 is playing the character of Mr. McAfee in the upcoming play called Bye Bye Birdie.

Arlo Olson starring as Hugo Peabody in Redwood High School’s “Bye Bye Birdie” musical

By Donya Hassanshahi | February 2, 2023

This week, Arlo Olson ’23 will appear as Hugo Peabody in the Redwood High School Drama production of Bye Bye Birdie.

Redwood High School’s Bye Bye Birdie cast shares excitement and nerves as they prepare for upcoming performance

By Miles Largoza | February 2, 2023

Rehearsal for Redwood’s Bye Bye Birdie began and will be performed February 2nd-4th. However, with theatre troubles along the way, some of the actors have been overheard feeling nervous about their upcoming performances. To see how the actors really felt, we interviewed some of the lead cast.

Senior Night-The end of an era

By Emma Jenan | February 2, 2023

Redwood Women’s soccer season is coming to an end, which means senior night is coming up. This year we have five incredible seniors who have dedicated their high school years to the sport they love. Here is what some of the players have to say. 

Shining Performances Take Center Stage: The Redwood Theatre Musical Debut of “Bye Bye Birdie”

By Donya Hassanshahi | February 2, 2023

By: Bella Aldridge, Karli Branson, and Donya Hassanshahi In preparation for opening night, cast members of the RHS production of the Bye Bye Birdie musical give it their all during […]

Photogallery: Life in the pit behind the ‘birdie’

By nmiller | February 1, 2023

nmillerWebsite |  + postsBioImagine spending your days talking about ideas that you love with people you genuinely care about. Not bad, that. I advise some journalists and teach some literature at […]

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Adriana Soria-Rosales