Every August, Redwood begins its school year with an Ice Breaker Rally. For some, it’s their first rally, an introduction to Redwood, and for many, it’s their last, the beginning of the end. Senior performers from dance force talk about how they feel about this being their last performance in the Ice Breaker Rally.
By Laysha Vargas-Guizar
Nothing is more entertaining than seeing Dance Force perform, bringing Rangers to an awe with their flips and choreo. For the Seniors, this is their final time, performing for the first time.
Gwyn Miller, ‘25, has been dancing since she was 3 years old. She has been a part of dance at Redwood for all of her four years.

Her favorite part of dance’s choreo is due to a special moment she and her team had at camp.
“There’s this one joke that we had at camp because the song says ‘origami’ and we have to fold our arms kind of weird and that’s kind of been the joke of the team. So everytime we do that I just laugh and think of that.”
Having done this rally throughout her highschool experience, when compared to her freshman year rally she has become a lot more excited to perform in it.
“I felt so much more excited than I was in freshman year. I feel like I was more scared but this year I was so excited and kind of taking it all in.”
She ended with saying she enjoyed the rally.
Maraleigh Coon, ‘25, also started participating in dance at a very young age, starting at 2 years old. She is another four year member of Redwood’s dance program.
Coon’s favorite part of the dance routine was, “…either the cha-cha’s or the ending pose.”
She says that compared to her freshman year Ice Breaker Rally, she enjoyed this one more, feeling like it was very prepared. As well as this time she felt way more confident.
“I felt like we were all very ready. We have put in so much time and in freshman year I was definitely very scared. So this one was just fun and we all relaxed and had a good time.”

Coon also says she enjoyed the rally.
Lastly, Sadie Hemphill, ‘25, who has been dancing since she was three years old and has been in Redwood’s dance program since she was a freshman.
Her favorite part of the performance was hitting the ending pose.
“Cause then, you know it’s over so you don’t have to worry about messing it up anymore.”
Just like the others, she went into this rally feeling very excited unlike her nervous performance in her freshman year.
“Freshman year, I was just kind of terrified. I didn’t know what I was getting into but this year I was just really excited for the year.”
Hemphill agrees with the other two saying she enjoyed the rally.
“It was really fun.”
Tags: arts, arts and entertainment, dance, rangers, Redwood, redwood gigantea, redwood high school, redwood journalism, redwood rangers, rhs, visalia ca