Our Little Pizza Place shares how and why they participated in the Cowhide Carnaval.

By: Liliana Madrigal and Chloe Falcon-Barros 

At the closing of Cowhide week, ASB hosted the Cowhide Carnival during lunch on Friday to celebrate the Cowhide game scheduled for later that evening. 

This event encourages students to remain on campus and feel the Cowhide spirit for the game later on that same day.

Mrs. Aston, the ASB advisor, shares why the Cowhide Carnival is an important part of the Week of Cowhide. 

“We do it every year because the carnival is a fun way to get kids to stay on campus and spread the Cowhide spirit,” says Mrs. Aston.

The Carnival also provides an opportunity for local vendors from Visalia to showcase their business to students. 

Vendors at the Cowhide Carnival included Our Little Pizza Place, Rush Bowls, Teaspoon, Snackology, Don Gummy, and many others, who offered a delicious variety of food such as pizza, tacos, and tasty snacks—a feast for everyone at the Carnival.

Our Little Pizza Place is a frankly new business. It opened in early 2022 and sells pizza pies and dessert pizzas. 

Beth Musto, ’26, cutting pizza’s for Our Little Pizza Place
Photo: A.Ceballos/Gigantea

The owner, Carri Chambers-Plets was inspired to start her business because, “while I was growing up, I always knew I wanted to open my own business, so I worked at a bake shop in high school. I absolutely loved it and I learned to find my voice there, and worked with customers. I ended up working for youth for the last 14 years and during that time, I got to mentor a lot of them, and so that just inspired me to say, okay I’m helping encourage other kids to follow their dreams, so it’s time for me to follow mine.”

Her dream of always wanting to open a business never stopped because she knew she would end up accomplishing it one day. 

When asked about the opportunity to sell from one of her employees. She says, “I heard about all the stuff [Redwood journalists] are doing and that you guys are going to go on a trip, which is why you’re trying to raise money for your program. I have a background working with youth, and I’d do anything to support young minds.”

Chambers stays true to her time working with youth for over ten years. She has helped our small journalism staff by supporting our fundraising efforts!

She knew when opening her business, she wanted to choose food. She decided on pizza because: “I had a lot of experience working at a pizza shop and so when I knew I wanted to open my own business I was going to be owning something that I was very familiar with.” 

Her pizza wish came true and in her efforts, Chambers is able to, “provide a good quality meal and to see the smiles.” 

She says coming out to the school and selling her pizza helps her business, “[students] will be like, Hey, I saw you and I really liked your pizza, so I told my parents about you and then they came into our shop. I feel like any time you can, you should do anything for the community and be out and be visible.”

The Cowhide Carnival provides a chance for businesses to grow and to promote themselves by selling to students and in turn, causing their parents to buy it as well. 

Chambers finishes with, “There’s something cool about pizza, it brings us all together.” 

Chloe Falcon
+ posts

Chloe is a class of '26 enthusiasts who loves drama and is a journalist for the Redwood Gigantea.
Email: chloe.fa0965@vusd.us

Liliana Madrigal

Liliana Madrigal '26 is a third year journalist. I enjoy baking, listening to music, and sleeping. Working for the Gigantea is cool.


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