Redwood High School has many campus supervisors who keep the school running while creating strong relationships with students. These supervisors share their thoughts on their jobs and the atmosphere of the campus.
By: Isabella Valdez
Fernando Garcia, commonly called Ferb, has been a campus supervisor at Redwood for 3 years. Garcia says his job is “to provide intervention for some of our students who are impacted with different circumstances outside of school.”

Photo Valdez/Gigantea
Garcia’s job title does not limit him, as he constantly goes above and beyond for students with his efforts to make them feel accepted and comfortable.
He says, “I love working here. The environment and the culture that has been established here is phenomenal. It makes my job a whole lot easier. It makes working fun. I look forward to coming to work every day. Especially building that relationship with students.”
Marty Silvas, another campus supervisor, has been part of the Ranger community for the past 6 years. Silvas hasn’t always been a Ranger and says that he is a former Mt. Whitney graduate.
He shares that he later found a reason to be a part of the Ranger family. Silvas says “My daughter ended up going to high school here. I got a job working here, and ever since then, I have been a true Ranger.”

Photo Valdez/Gigantea
Silvas has been a piece to the Redwood puzzle and says he wouldn’t have it any other way. “I really enjoy working with high schoolers. One of the most rewarding parts is seeing them start off as freshman to then mature & change as people. They grow and it’s really enjoyable to see them graduate, and then move on in life.”
Judy Sosaya is the main campus supervisor on the Sierra Vista campus. She has been working in the school district for 29 years but has been a part of the Redwood family for 10 years.
She says “I love it. I’ve been working with kids for all of my years here and Redwood is my favorite school.”
“The connections with the kids are amazing. The kids are respectful, they are great kids,” says Sosaya.
Roy Orosco, one of Redwood’s assistant principals, oversees student supervision and engagement. Campus supervisors play a very important role in regulating rules around campus and share the duties that Garcia and Silvas must fulfill. He says, “[The campus supervisors] have different duties throughout the day, they look for students who should be in class. They assist with pulling students out of class to see the counselor or administration.”
Orosco also adds, “They also do hour checks at all gates, and help with all evacuations.”
Orosco has been working with the campus supervisors for many years helping the campus stay organized. “Working with them is fun, I mean they are just good people. Ferb and Marty, do a good job with creating a positive environment for staff and students.”
Tags: redwood gigantea, redwood high school, redwood journalism, redwood rangers, rhs