Two sets of sisters on the Varsity Volleyball team share about their experiences playing on the same team for Redwood.
By: Noah Dilsaver
This year’s Redwood Varsity Volleyball team is off to a solid start with a record of 17-8. Striving hard to work together, the team is focused on positivity and high energy. With the help of returning players and the leadership of great captians, the team as a whole is working to reach their goal of pushing this particular group of athletes to a higher competitive level.
Compiled of some younger athletes, this year’s team is strong and get along well with each other, both on and off the court. Two sets of sisters, the May sisters, Andee May, ’26 and Katelynn May, ’27, and the Alipaz sisters, Grace Alipaz, ’25, and Lana Alipaz, ’26, are intergral pieces of this years team.

vs Mission Oak
on August 28th, 2024
Photo N. Miller/Gigantea
I had the chance to interview these two sets of sisters with their mothers, where I was able to dive deeper into what it’s like being sisters playing together on the Redwood Varsity Volleyball team.
Andee and Katelynn May have never been on the same team before, but join together this year for the first time. When asked how long they had been playing volleyball, Katelynn said, “Since after my freshman season.” Andee also has been playing since her freshman year after gaining interest from watching other people play the sport. “I knew it was the right sport for me when I actually started,” she says.
Katelynn’s interest in volleyball started at a very young age when their mother, Mrs. May, would share stories about her years playing high school volleyball. These stories sparked Katelynn’s love for watching the sport and ignited a desire to want to have those same experiences as her mom. Seeing this interest, Mrs. May put the girls in a city league in the 3rd and 4th grade and coached them with a friend.
Mrs. May went on to share her feelings about them being on the same team together. “We were so happy to finally get them playing together, and it makes life easier. One set of games and one practice, instead of two games and two practices. Getting to see them play together is super exciting,” says Mrs. May.

vs Mission Oak
Photo N. Miller/Gigantea
The Alipaz sisters, Grace and Lana, have been on club volleyball travel teams together before. For the Alipaz’s, volleyball has always been in the family. Both girls grew up hearing stories about their grandpa and mother playing the sport. These stories inspired them both to want to play and have the same experiences also. They each started playing volleyball in the 3rd grade.
Their mother, Mrs. Alipaz, explained how they took to the sport quickly, “they were great players and learned to love the game.” Mrs. Alipaz loves that the girls get to play together for the high school team. “It’s extra special to have them on the same court this year because it’s Grace’s senior year.”
Being part of the same sport as sisters has taught each of them to have a different perspective on their relationship as sisters and how they interact with each other on the court. Lana shares, “Participating in volleyball together has taught us to work together and build each other up in a group setting.” Grace says that, “having your sister have your back is the best thing ever.”

vs Mission Oak
Photo N.Miller/Gigantea
Andee and Katelynn have learned a lot from volleyball, but spending this year playing on the same team has taught them a whole new level of patience. “Sometimes it is hard playing with each other and then going home that same night,” says Andee. Katelynn has had to learn how to work with other new athletes and, “adjusting to how they play.”
Overall this experience of being sisters playing on the varsity team has been a positive one for each girl. “It’s really sweet,” says Andee. “We get to have each other on the court and have each other at home. We get to have that special sister relationship that no one else has on the court.” Katelynn says, “We have made a lot of great memories.”
Katelynn says, “I think we’re really strong as a team and I just think we’re really powerful and we can take that to a higher level.”
Lana said, “Grace and I have played together on our club teams. I feel that our team dynamic is energetic, positive and we get along great together. There are moments where we get off balance in our views for our team. Mostly though, our team is young, and our returners and captains have done a great job leading the team.”
When asked how do you manage your athletic responsibilities alongside your school responsibilities, Katelynn says, “I know that I’m a student-athlete, so I always have to put my schoolwork before sports.”

vs Mission Oak
Photo N. Miller/Gigantea
Andee says when going against a tough opponent that, “It takes a lot of mental strength to be able to play hard teams. So what I to do is I normally take a few minutes to myself and begin to prepare myself for the game.”
Mrs. May and Mrs. Alipaz are extremely proud of their daughters playing on the same team.
“I hope that they’ll build such a strong friendship and it will stay with them for the rest of their lives. I hope that they’ll be able to play college volleyball somewhere, that’s how much they love it. I hope that they learn about hard work and sacrifice, as playing sports or any extracurricular activities takes a lot of extra work and sacrifice of time,” says Mrs. May.
“We hope they will enjoy every moment and be each other’s greatest cheerleader. We also hope they will grow in their skills and love for the game,” says Mrs. Alipaz.
“I’m super proud of my girls and I’m so glad that they’re good friends on and off the court,” Mrs. May says.
“Continue to work hard and give it all you’ve got. Keep rooting for your sister and your team!” says Mrs. Alipaz after being asked what advice she have for her girls.
Mrs. May says, “To continue to support each other and to be good leaders for their team.”
“I would say this experience is fun and reassuring know my sister is on the court with me. It’s so fun playing with my best friend,” says Lana.
Tags: rangers, Redwood, redwood gigantea, redwood high school, redwood journalism, redwood rangers, redwood sports, Redwood volleyball, rhs, rhs volleyball, visalia ca
What an uplifting article! Family is everything and for these girls to get to share these high school years together enjoying & competing in the same sport is wonderful. Thank you for this article!
Thank you so much