Redwood Girls Soccer is well through their season, with a incredible record thus far of 18-0-2. After a tough preseason they now reign undefeated. Here is what the senior varsity captains say about their last terrific season at RHS.

By: Emma Jenan

Forward #9 Jayme Gomez, ’25, is one of the Varsity Girls Soccer captains this year, as well as a four year varsity member. Gomez explains, “This season is very bittersweet; I love this program and all the memories I have made with this team. It’s just incredibly surreal that this is my last season.”

#9 Jayme Gomez, ’25, vs Garces Memorial
Photo N.Miller/Gigantea

Gomez has been playing soccer for 12 years, including her time at RHS. Gomez says, “I plan to play soccer in college. I just need to decide on which school I will be attending for it.”

Being on the team for all four years has created incredible bonds with her teammates and lifelong friendships. Gomez says, “If I had to use one word for our team it would be resilient. There is just this energy from the freshmen all the way to the seniors on the team that is full of passion and motivation that we all bring out in one another, and it has helped us grow stronger and constantly improve.”

Midfielder #5 Alecksandra Ortiz, ’25, is the other Varsity Girls Soccer captain for the year, as well as a three year varsity member. Ortiz explains, “I am full of excitement and determination for myself and my team this season.” Ortiz says that so far this season they have an impressive undefeated record with two ties.

Ortiz says that her expectations for senior night is, “just full of love and support. I really just want to soak in all of the little moments.” Her biggest inspirations are her parents. “They really push me to be the best version of myself, and to constantly strive for what I want in life.”

#5 Alecksandra Ortiz, ’25, vs Monache
Photo N.Miller/Gigantea

Ortiz plans to further her soccer career by playing for JUCO colleges next year, although she is still undecided on which one to attend. Ortiz feels that her success is heavily due to the people in her life who constantly push her, including her team. Ortiz says, “Everyone on the team is completely unique in their own way and it all just works together. We never have a dull moment.”

Mr. Jason Viera is the Head Varisty Girls Soccer coach for Redwood. He feels incredibly lucky with such a talented and driven team this season. He says, “This team has such a tremendous drive, and they want to achieve great things.”

In regards to Gomez and Ortiz, he expresses how amazing their leadership has been during this season. “They have been everything you could ask for in leaders. They are such a positive influence on their teammates, and a great representation of what we want our Ranger athletes to be.”

His hopes for these young women after high school are to, “do something in life that brings them value. Their both such great people and I know that whatever they end up doing will have an impact on the community.”

Viera shares that his hopes for the season is for, “our team to continue to grow as a group as well as individuals. I want them to continue to support each other and be champions.”

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Emma Jenan
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Emma Jenan is a '25 second year journalism member of the Redwood Gigantea. She is interested in writing any article, but sports stories are her favorite. Emma is a part of the redwood tennis team, and is a varsity member. You can reach her by email:


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