By: Isabella Guijarro & Scarlett Davila

The fashion industry is known for its ever-changing trends, which come and go with each season. From skinny jeans to galaxy prints, fashion has seen its fair share of trends that have risen to popularity only to fall out of favor just as quickly.

Redwood High School has a multitude of cultures and styles that many students follow. Different trends rise and fall in these own groups, some even affecting student style as a whole. 

With influencers and students trying to stay on top of the latest fashion, the effect has been brought to Ranger students. From the small pink bows that can be found in girls’ hair to the dozens of UGGS seen walking the halls. 

Fashion club president Mia Almares, ‘26, says “My favorite fashion trend is UGGS. I really like them and they’ve gotten more popular over the years.”

Cami Villacreses, ‘28, says “I think that more casual fashion is trending right now because people care about being comfortable now, and you dont always have to look like you’re going out.”

With the fashion cycle constantly revolving many trends from the past have made comebacks in recent years making an appearance in every student’s closet. Few staple pieces continue to go through the cycle never going out of style.

Lola Sullivan, ‘28, says “Jorts, sambas and a lot of 2000s style is coming back like the Juicy Couture stuff.”

Almarez says, “Social Media makes it easier to show off your outfits, new things to try, and inspire others.”

The problem of sustainability has been circulating the internet and minds of students as it become a concern. The rising prices and deteriorating quality of pieces make it increasingly harder to find clothing that will last long and for a fair price.

While it may be fun to find your own style and experiment with clothes it’s important to remember our sense of self and remember the effects we have on the planet with our choices.

Villacreses says, “One thing that wasn’t really normalized before is going thrifting to find cooler clothes and getting a good find rather than getting judged.”

Isabella Guijarro
+ posts
Scarlett Davila

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