Redwood High School’s Associated Student Body (ASB) conducts the beginning of the upcoming Freshman elections and influences students to run.

By: Haley Padilla

On August 26th, 2024, applications for presidential and vice presidential candidacy were released by ASB. The class of 2028 is encouraged to become representatives for their classmates and make a difference.

The first step occurs upon submission of the application, available outside Mrs. Aston’s class, room 31. To qualify for the ballot, a candidate must obtain fifty signatures from classmates who support their campaign and the signature of an assistant principal, have two core teachers (Math and English) submit a recommendation form, need to be eligible academically, and a parent or guardian’s approval. 

Winners will need to change their schedule. Mrs Aston, ASB Director, says “Sometimes when they run for the position, they’re unaware of the fact that that now means you’re a full-time ASB student and ASB is a lot… there’s a lot that’s required. Not only do you now lead the freshman class but you also have to be a part of ASB.”

The role of President and Vice President offers opportunities to get involved with the Redwood community while also helping others get involved.

Aston says, “Having fun while you’re doing it is step number one [to running] because win, lose, or tie, it’s the experience that matters so try and have the most fun you can just running that week.” 

Last year’s freshman class president Alexis Seals, ’27, says “My experience was great, I loved it. It was fun. During campaign week, I liked the adrenaline rush that I got from trying to get everyone to vote for me.”

Chloe Miller, ’27, who served as 23-24 Freshman Vice President says, “I would definitely say, like, get out there and don’t be shy when you’re running because people want to know you’re outgoing and everything so like show the real you and not the you that you think people would vote for.”

The deadline for application submissions is Wednesday, September 11th, and the elections will be conducted on Friday, September 20th.

Haley Padilla
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