On Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025, CSF [California Scholarship Federation] had a meeting in the gym, discussing what Seniors have to have in order to qualify for being a lifetime member.

By: Beth Musto

With graduation on its way, seniors who are in CSF might be able to be lifetime members and get a cord to wear during their graduation.

Mrs. Nicole Vieira, the CSF advisor says, “You have to have four eligible semesters, so four semesters qualified within the six eligible semesters, and a lot of people think that includes freshman year and it doesn’t. So, your eligible semesters to qualify for lifetime membership are sophomore, junior, and senior year. You need four of those six.”

CSF Website Homepage Banner

Students at Redwood often have six or more classes that they attend. To apply for CSF, they have to use a max of five classes to apply.

“You can’t use more than five classes to qualify for lifetime CSF membership at all,” says Mrs. Vieira.

To apply for your ’25 spring membership, the application week is from January 27th to 31st. During lunch on Club Day, Wednesday, January 29th, they will have a booth so you can get more information and the link to apply for this semester.

Beth Musto
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Beth Musto '26, is a third-year Journalist for the Redwood Gigantea and is a writer for Clubs & Lifestyles, and is the assistant editor-in-chief. She is a part of CSF and is the secretary for the Paperback Rangers Book Club. Her email is, beth.mu3554@vusd.us


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