Through March 17th and March 21st, Redwood has its week of dress up days for Mr. and Mrs. Ranger week created by ASB.

By: Xochitl Garza 

Throughout the years, the Associated Student Body (ASB) has created a week full of dress up days for Mr. and Mrs. Ranger week. Thinking about what they’ve done before, and what they can add to shake it up. 

The week consists of “Irish you a Happy Saint Patrick’s Day” on Monday, “Teacher vs Student Swap” on Tuesday, “Surf a wave” on Wednesday, “Throwback Thursday,” and lastly “Blue out” on Friday. 

Just like every dress up week, this one was made by “100% students,” says ASB advisor Aston.

Mrs. Aston says, “It really is a lot of discussion. We have a committee in class that is focused just on dress up days.”

ASB advisor Mrs. Aston
Photo E.Largoza/Gigantea

Mrs. Aston then goes on to say that, “[They] brainstorm and then present those to the other ASB students. Really it’s a lot of communication and a lot of voting, but that’s how they start and finish in the long run.”

The week surrounds the idea that it’s to celebrate the winning Rangers and to have fun.

Mrs. Aston says, “I like the dress up days. I always think it’s fun to include a holiday, and so Saint Patrick’s day being included is fun for me. I also think dressing as a kid allows a lot of creativity.”

A student on the dress up day committee, Kenzi Bacon, ’25, says, “We all get together and come up with 10-15 [dress up] days, and then we have a whole classroom vote.”

Bacon then adds, “I like them, they are really easy to participate in.”

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Xochitl Garza
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