Taylor Langford, ’25, is running for ASB President. She is running unopposed, which essentially guarantees her the position.
By Ayla Ozturk
Inspired by former Associated Student Body [ASB] President Brielle Alvarez, ’22, Taylor Langford, ’25, has planned to run for ASB President since her freshman year.

She says, “I watched how [Alvarez] did everything, and she was just a person that I could look up to. I just knew that this is something I want to do.”
In addition to her three years in ASB, Langford was elected as the Rally Commissioner for the 2023-2024 school year. Now, she wants to continue her service as President.
“I love Redwood, and I knew I wanted to have an impact on Redwood in some way,” Langford says. “So I figured [running] [was] the way that I would want to do it.”
It is common for ASB Presidents to have a goal for Redwood and the student body. Langford says hers is to see growth in school culture.
“I think that [in] the past two years, we haven’t had as much excitement and school spirit as we had hoped,” she says. “I definitely think there’s a lot of growth that we need in school culture, and I hope that with all the excitement that we are starting to see in ASB, we can bring that back.”
Additionally, Langford wants to uphold Redwood’s traditions while introducing new ones.
“I love the traditions we have at Redwood,” she says. “I just really want to set forth all my ideas and really show that having this platform in this position is going to be beneficial for the next year.”
Langford says her fellow ASB students are a “backbone” when developing new ideas.
“As far as bringing in new ideas, I definitely would not necessarily rely on my class but have them as a backbone,” she says. “When we brainstorm in the ASB classroom, we come up with so many good ideas, and we’re able to pick off of each other.”
In addition, Langford wants students to know that she is open to hearing their ideas for Redwood.
“Anybody can come to me with anything that they feel fits for Redwood. I don’t see [the job] as anything other than being the spokesperson for all of the kids here,” she says.
Langford says her favorite thing about being a leader is knowing she is helping others. She says, “I just really like knowing that I have the opportunity to influence a student in a very positive way and make their time at Redwood as good as it should be.”
During her time at Redwood, Langford has seen Brielle Alvarez, ’22, Savannah Torres, ’23, and Izek Nelson, ’24, serve as ASB President. Dozens served before them. So, what makes her different?
“I don’t like comparing myself to the past presidents because every single one has taught me so much. I’ve learned so much. I respected them so much,” she says. “I’d say the only thing that probably makes me different is that it’s just a new year with new ideas.”
Langford hopes to encourage the next ASB President like the others did her. “I hope to inspire the next President by really reaching out, getting out of my comfort zone, and getting things done,” she says.
“I think, as the [ASB] President, you have a platform to speak out for all of the students here at Redwood.”
-Taylor Langford, ’25
Tags: ASB, asb elections 2024, asb president, ayla ozturk, news, rangers, Redwood, redwood gigantea, redwood high school, redwood journalism, redwood news, redwood rangers, rhs, Taylor Langford, visalia ca