Post Tagged with: "visalia ca"
Photogallery: Redwood Band Sleighs their Way through the Winter Concert
Redwoods does their Winter Concert December 11th at LJ Williams Theater. Where they play many Christmas themed songs and sell cookies at the end of the night for a Dollar.
Beating Hearts and Brilliant Art: Hannah Johnson’s Pulsating PSA takes Best Overall at Porterville Film Festival
On Wednesday, December 6th, Hannah Johnson, ’25, surpassed all entrees and obtained Best Overall at the Porterville Film Festival. Her video was a CPR public service announcement [PSA] inspired by […]
Redwood High School Introduces Anonymous Reporting System
Redwood High School has an anonymous reporting system for students to report substance use, threats of violence, fighting, and bullying. They can access the form by going to PowerSchool or scanning one of the QR codes posted around campus.
Across borders: Redwoods Foreign Exchange Students Venture Visalia
By: Isabel Barycki and Donya Hassanshahi Foreign exchange students, Mattia Bianchi, ’24, and Ilari Makiranta, ’24, speak about the interesting differences between their home countries from America and Visalia, California, […]