Post Tagged with: "rhs football"
Freshman and JV Football Teams Kick Off EYL Division Matchups with Strong Performances
Freshman and JV began their Matchups in the EYL Division as they started strong in the second half of the season. By: Michael Flores and Jonathan Flores On Thursday, October […]
Redwood Varsity Football Looks to Continue the Turn-Around
By: Jimena Robles Redwood Football goes up against the Golden West Trailbazers on Friday, October 18th. The Rangers have been on a roll with wins after a disappointing start to […]
Mr. Hardwick: Former Redwood Athlete to High School P.E. Teacher
Mr. Hardwick, a Redwood P.E. teacher, played multiple sports while attending Redwood High School, and decided years later to return and teach future athletes. By: Alex Neal In high school, […]
Redwood’s Varsity Football Homecoming Hopes
The Redwood Varsity Football team begins the EYL season with the Homecoming game on Friday, October 4th versus the Porterville Panthers. By: Jimena Robles Redwood’s Varsity Football has had a […]