Post Tagged with: "Redwood"
Omega City: The book that has you wanting to read the whole series
I haven’t read a book in a while, but I have this book that I thoroughly enjoyed. The book is called ‘Omega City’, written by American author Diana Peterfreund in 2015. The ‘Omega City’ book is part of a series; the first book of the trilogy. The list of the book series in order are: ‘Omega City’, ‘Omega City: The Forbidden Fortress’, and ‘Omega City: Infinity Base.’
The 2024-2025 FAFSA Launch: Delays, Frustration, and Confusion
The United States Department of Education [USDE] recently overhauled the Free Application for FAFSA form to comply with the FAFSA Simplification Act. However, the form has many issues hindering the intended simplification.
She-nius Minds: Redwood Students Breaking the Gender Gap in STEM
Redwood offers rigorous STEM [science, technology, engineering, mathematics] courses to prepare students for their post-high school ambitions. In such fields, females are minority figures. Female Rangers have taken advantage of the resources available throughout their high school careers.
Photogallery: Spring Club Day 2024
January 31st, the Second club day of the School year has taken place. Many students had attended Club Day in the hopes of finding a Club to join, while many […]