Post Tagged with: "Redwood"
Rangers Are on a Different Schedule Due to the Mr. and Mrs. Ranger Assembly
For the Mr. and Mrs. Ranger Assembly, Rangers will be on a different schedule. The assembly will be from 10:26 am to 11:12 am in the Mineral King Bowl.
Dancing Toward Destiny: The Road to Nationals
Dance Force will compete in the USA Dance Nationals, taking place at the Anaheim Convention Center on March 22nd and 23rd.
All Hands on Deck! Return of the Rangers: Alumni Swimmers as New Coaches
The 2023-2024 Redwood Swim season welcomes new leadership on the pool deck. With Rangers returning, the pursuit for excellence awaits. With each practice and meet, these new coaches are learning from current and past leaders in the swim community.
Making a Splash: Freshman Ivan Rodriguez on Boys Varsity Swim
Only a small handful of the members on Boys Varsity Swim are freshmen, and Ivan Rodriguez, ’27, is one of them.