Post Tagged with: "Redwood"
Juggling School, Sports, and Self
School is a difficult task on its own, add sports and it becomes strenuous. We all know it takes a certain level of responsibility and maturity to juggle both simultaneously. How do Redwood’s student-athletes stay dedicated to their sports while keeping up with school?
Redwood High School Assistant Principal Alexa Barba-Tepper Honored as VUSD Administrator of the Year
Assistant Principal Alexa Barba-Tepper was honored as VUSD’s Administrator of the Year on Tuesday, April 9.
Ranger Dance Force Leaping Through A Nailed-Down Nationals!
Spring break is quite the time to relax! But for Redwood’s Dance Force, they were making a step-ball-change in their 24 years together.
Track and FIELD: The Hidden Gem of Athletics
When people picture Track and Field, they picture runners taking their marks on the track, ready to sprint their relay and get a new personal best. But what about the events scattered on the field? The hidden gems that take just as much time and dedication.