Post Tagged with: "redwood rangers"
Second CSF Meeting Encourages Members to Get Involved with the Community
The California Scholarship Federation [CSF] embarks on second meeting of the school year in the library to introduce T-shirt design and opportunities for members.
Redwood High School Offers ”Signs of Suicide” Training to Junior and Senior Campus Leaders
Redwood High School Counselors and the Tulare County Office of Education [TCOE] are collaborating to offer suicide prevention training to Juniors and Seniors in leadership positions at Redwood.
International Dance Prepares for 2022-2023 School Year
One of Redwood’s dance classes, “International Dance” has been working very hard for many of the events coming up this school year.
Dedicated FBLA officer Adam Hacker appointed on the National President’s Executive Council
Redwood FBLA’s Adam Hacker, ’23 earns a position on the National President’s Executive Council as Director.