Post Tagged with: "redwood rangers"
Trustee Area 4: Crystal Reynolds runs for VUSD Board of Education
Crystal Reynolds is one of three candidates running for the Visalia Unified School District [VUSD] Board of Education as a representative of Trustee Area 4. She is endorsed by the Tulare County Republican Party and the Blessings of Liberty.
The Armed Services Vocational Battery Test: For Students Joining The Military After High school
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery [ASVAB] test will be taken in the cafeteria from 8am to 12:30 pm.
Trustee Area 1: Walta Gamoian Runs For Re-Election
Incumbent Board Clerk Walta Gamoian is one of two candidates running for the Visalia Unified School District [VUSD] Board of Education as a representative of Trustee Area 1. Gamoian is endorsed by the California Teacher’s Association, the Tulare County Republican Party, and the Visalia Police Department.
Giddings Street Temporarily Shut Down
On Wednesday, November 2, 2022, Giddings Street and the bridge connecting Redwood High School’s two campuses were temporarily shut down for maintenance.