Post Tagged with: "redwood rangers"
Redwood Varsity Soccer Is Ready For First Game
Varsity Boys Soccer is playing their first game of the season this Friday against Lindsay High School at Redwood in the Mineral King Bowl at 6pm.
Measure C Could Bring a Four-Year University to Visalia
Measure C is a bond measure that was on the ballot for the recent General Election. Voters decided if tax dollars should go towards expanding College of the Sequoias [COS]’s partnership with Fresno State, bringing four-year programs to Visalia. As of the date of publication, the contest has not been called. [Source: Tulare County Office of Elections]
Juniors Will Be Taking A Tour To A College Campus In The Spring
All VUSD Juniors will get the chance to visit a college campus this year. This is an opportunity to see a college campus, take a tour, and see what college is all about.
The Triumphs of Jacob Abbott and his Trumpet in Redwood Band
By: Donya Hassanshahi Jacob Abbott, ’24 is a member of the Redwood band program. Abbott, discusses his band journey alongside his siblings and previous experiences with his instrument, the trumpet. […]