Post Tagged with: "redwood rangers"
Chamber Choir: Heading Towards the “Retreat to Success”!
On September 21, the Redwood Chamber Choir will be heading to a 3-day retreat where they can come closer together through music and fun activities held at the camp.
Redwood Student Formed Band: Black Chrysanthemum
In the city of Visalia, there is an underground rock band that plans on performing in late November. Where do they plan on performing? On the campus of Redwood High School! This band is called Black Chrysanthemum.
Alice in Actionland!
Lights, camera, action! As rehearsals begin, let’s take time and see how our Redwood students feel about taking to the stage, Alice in Wonderland!
Punching her Way to Glory: Jennah Creason Delivers a Knockout Performance in Germany
In July, Jennah Creason, ’24, traveled abroad with Team USA due to her boxing talents. Returning from Germany, Creason reminisces about the trip and how she will move forward with the insights granted by this opportunity.