Post Tagged with: "redwood rangers"
Students’ opinions on Kanye West’s new album, ‘Donda’
After many months of waiting, Kanye West’s 10th album, ‘Donda’ is out now. Donda got hyped easily. During the many months of waiting for the album, teasers were being released. […]
What exactly does Redwood’s class officers do?
The Associated Student Body (ASB) presidents and vice-presidents were voted by the students of each class to have them as their representatives. Sophomore Class Officers: Izek Nelson, ‘24 is the […]
Student Voices: To mask or not to mask
Since school began on August 12, students have been required to wear masks indoors, and have been given the choice to wear them outdoors. Here are what some Redwood Rangers […]
McDouble: Twins working at McDonald’s
Like some of their Redwood peers, Diego and Joaquin Gonzales have taken on a job on top of their school day. But unlike their peers, twin brothers are both taking […]