Post Tagged with: "redwood gigantea"
Trustee Area 2: Juan Guerrero Runs for Re-Election
Incumbent Board President Juan Guerrero is one of two candidates running for the Visalia Unified School District [VUSD] Board of Education as a representative of Trustee Area 2. He is endorsed by the California Teacher’s Association and the Visalia Democratic Club. Guerrero says if re-elected, this will be his last term of office.
Trustee Area 4: Crystal Reynolds runs for VUSD Board of Education
Crystal Reynolds is one of three candidates running for the Visalia Unified School District [VUSD] Board of Education as a representative of Trustee Area 4. She is endorsed by the Tulare County Republican Party and the Blessings of Liberty.
The Armed Services Vocational Battery Test: For Students Joining The Military After High school
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery [ASVAB] test will be taken in the cafeteria from 8am to 12:30 pm.
Woodbury’s Wonders
There are many teachers on the Redwood Campus who put a lot of effort into making their classroom feel comfortable and welcoming. Some take a different route and choose to make their room unique and one that their students will definitely remember.