Post Tagged with: "redwood gigantea"
Tuesday Zooms: The Comeback Kid
As of Tuesday, September 28, 2021, students that are currently on Covid leave take part in the new Zoom check-in system.
Freshman thoughts on their first Harvest
The Harvest dance is a tradition for high school students, and for freshmen, it’s going to look a little different this year. Since Redwood is not having one at school […]
Girl’s varsity water polo returns after a 3-week break
After a three week break, the girl’s varsity water polo team has returned to playing matches on Tuesday, September 8. They won 15- 6 in their first match against Lemoore […]
Passion for Volleyball Even on the Sand
The Redwood varsity volleyball team has had a phenomenal season so far, with no sign of that changing any time soon.