Post Tagged with: "redwood gigantea"
Redwood High School Kicks Off The Softball Season With A New Coach
The softball season at Redwood High School is ready to start with a new coach. Stevi Johnson will be leading the team this year.
Redwood student, William Youngquist prepares for New York Film Festival
The All-American High School Film Festival is one of the largest film festivals in the nation. This festival in particular compliments high school students and their work in cinematography, as […]
Redwood Looks To Get the Wins for the Last Four Games of Year
Coming off of a 21-14 loss against Lemoore, this very talented Ranger squad is looking to end their season on a massive note, starting with beating Golden West on Friday night. With only 4 games left this group is looking to give everything they have and finish the season with 4 consecutive wins.
Cowhide T-Shirt Competition
Along with all of the exciting things that happen during the week of Cowhide, the student ideas and creativity truly get to shine with the yearly tee-shirt design competition.