Post Tagged with: "clubs & lifestyles"
New incoming dancers for 2022-2023!
Every year Mrs.Lapp and Mrs.Bardonnex, the dance teachers at Redwood, hold auditions where students can be placed in their respective dance classes.
Babies on campus: Human Development class confronts reality
By Hailey Burrow As the year starts to come to a close, Redwood students have noticed a few new bodies on campus. Babies? Or at least, fake babies. The Human […]
Members Reflect On The 2022 FFA Banquet
The FFA (Future Farmers of America) banquet was hosted on May 9th. This banquet is an event that honors its members’ hard work and their overall accomplishments, giving the senior class members recognition. A huge acknowledgement was made towards the seniors, this was their last year of being in FFA, which makes this event even more memorable for them.
Everything Entertainment Episode 5: E-Sports Returns to Update Their Season
Podcast hosted by Jalen Bullock ’23, co-hosted by Isaac Reynoso ’23, and edited by Aidan Hatch ’22. In the 5th Episode of the Everything Entertainment Podcast, Bullock and Reynoso bring […]