Post Tagged with: "clubs & lifestyles"
Runnin’ Redwood Episode 1: Donya Akhavon on leaving an impact on Redwood Rangers
In this episode, Donya Akhavon, ’23 gives insight on her life and motivations for being a successful student as she marks her legacy on the Redwood campus. Recorded on Monday […]
FFA Advisor and Officer Team return from Fair Week with Optimistic Ambitions
By: Donya Hassanshahi Future Farmers of America [FFA] officer team and advisor reflect on their participation in the Tulare County Fair week from September 12th to 18th. The FFA officer […]
Freshman Winner, Isabelle Wu, Wins Art Club’s T-Shirt Contest
Freshman Art Club member wins t-shirt contest and talks about when she got into art, why she joined art club, and her inspiration for her design.
Dance Force looks to dance their way into Cowhide Post-Homecoming Performance
Dance Force members reflect on their Homecoming Week performances and start preparing for upcoming events such as future rallies, football games, and Cowhide Week.