Post Tagged with: "arts"
Stepping into the Spotlight: Dancers from International Dance Key Footwork Behind the Stages
You are attending your first dance show. You are trying your best to hold still onto your seats while you anticipate what lies behind those deep mysterious curtains. The same […]
Unbroken: The Story That Leaves You Unbroken and Hopeful
Laura Hillenbrand is the author of great works such as ‘Unbroken’ and ‘Seabiscuit’. Her second book ‘Unbroken’ won her number one on the New York Times bestseller, and her first book ‘Seabiscuit’ receives a lot of love and aspiration.
Five for Friday: Mean Girls Fetchiest Songs
By Laysha Vargas-Guizar Here’s the Five For Friday, asking five of Redwood’s cast for 2024’s musical ‘Mean Girls’ what their favorite songs are from the soundtrack. Melina Carillo ‘25 has […]
Omega City: The book that has you wanting to read the whole series
I haven’t read a book in a while, but I have this book that I thoroughly enjoyed. The book is called ‘Omega City’, written by American author Diana Peterfreund in 2015. The ‘Omega City’ book is part of a series; the first book of the trilogy. The list of the book series in order are: ‘Omega City’, ‘Omega City: The Forbidden Fortress’, and ‘Omega City: Infinity Base.’