On Friday, November 1st, 2024, Redwood held the Cowhide Rally, hyping students up for the upcoming game that night. Band, and hip-hop members describe their excitement for the rally.
By: Yoselin Reynoso-Lozano
There isn’t a more exciting event for Redwood than Cowhide. To get the energy up and hyped the annual Cowhide rally was held. It included so many groups on campus all adding to the hype for the return of the Cowhide.
The introduction for the football team was done well and got the crowd excited, as well as the performers.
Yaritza Bejar, ‘25, is a dancer for hip-hop who was excited to be more involved in school
“I’m super excited to perform for the rally, a little nervous, but it will definitely be fun to be involved,” says Bejar.

Photo M.LoBue/Gigantea
As this is Bejars last year at Redwood she’s definitely excited to be able to perform in the Rally for the first time. She’s very happy to be so involved, especially since it’s her last Cowhide.
Bejar says, “This is my last Cowhide so I’m just trying to make the most of spirit week and the game as well. It’s definitely a bittersweet moment. I thought it wouldn’t end but now it’s my last one.”
Although we do have the performers on stage we also have the band in the stands who are just as excited for Cowhide.
Jazrine Nieto, ‘25, the drum major for Redwoods band, is very excited for Cowhide and has really enjoyed dressing up all week.
Nieto says, “I’m very excited and although this is only my second Cowhide ,it is also my last, but it’s definitely a new and fun experience compared to my last school. I’m very excited to see our team win, so Go Rangers.”
Although Rocco Gutierrez, ‘26, is on the sidelines with the band, he still enjoys watching the game and just spending time with friends.
Gutierrez says, “I’m pretty excited to perform in the Rally, especially since it’s Cowhide. It’s an amazing opportunity and chance to just hype everyone up.”
Cowhide is an amazing tradition and although many focus on just the students the staff is also very involved.
Our Principal, Dr. Gridiron, for example, was very excited to enjoy his first full Cowhide here at Redwood and experience the event now knowing the school more.
Dr. Gridiron loved to see the whole school working together and trying to be involved in one of Redwood’s most beloved traditions.
Dr. Gridiron says, “This week definitely represents why being a Principal is the best job I’ve ever had. I’m super excited for the game. I think this is an amazing opportunity to show off our hard work, and I know we started off slow, but, over the last few weeks we’ve gotten some wins and this will be great to finish off with a win and bring the Cowhide home.”
Tags: arts & entertainment, band, dance, hip hop, rally, rangers, Redwood, redwood gigantea, redwood high school, redwood journalism, redwood rangers, rhs, visalia ca