Mission Statement:

The Redwood Gigantea is a student-run publication dedicated to informing, engaging, and representing the diverse voices of the student body at Redwood High School. Our goal is to uphold journalistic integrity through responsible reporting, ethical storytelling, and balanced perspectives.

Editorial Independence:

The views and opinions expressed in The Redwood Gigantea are those of student journalists and do not necessarily reflect those of Redwood High School, its administration, or the Visalia Unified School District. As a public forum for student expression, the newspaper operates with editorial independence, following the rights outlined under California Education Code 48907, which protects student journalists from censorship except in cases of libel, obscenity, or inciting unlawful acts.

Content & Oversight:

Student editors determine editorial content, and decisions regarding what to publish rest with the student staff and their faculty advisor. The publication abides by professional journalistic standards, including accuracy, fairness, and ethical reporting. School officials do not practice prior review, and concerns about published content should be addressed through established editorial feedback channels.

Corrections Policy:

The Redwood Gigantea is committed to accuracy. If an error is discovered, a correction will be issued in the following edition or online.

Advertising & Endorsements:

Advertisements published in The Redwood Gigantea do not imply endorsement by the school or staff. The publication reserves the right to reject advertisements that violate legal or ethical standards.

Letters to the Editor & Public Commentary:

We welcome and encourage reader feedback. Letters to the editor may be submitted to our email rhsgigantea@gmail.com and must adhere to guidelines of respectful discourse. Submissions may be edited for clarity, length, and adherence to journalistic standards.

Legal Protections:

Under California Education Code 48907, student journalists have the right to determine the content of school-sponsored publications. This law protects student speech and prohibits administrative censorship unless the content is unlawful (e.g., libelous, obscene, or inciting disruption).

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