Kids Day is a fundraiser to help raise funds for Valley Children’s Hospital. Redwoods ASB took part in this fundraiser and sold newspapers to help the local communities.
By Megan Yang
On Monday, March 11, 2024, Redwood High School Associated Student Body [ASB] spent the morning selling newspapers for Valley Children’s Hospital.
Hailey Aston, Redwood Activities Director, says, “Kids Day is where we fundraise for Valley Children’s. Everything we raise goes to the organization to help the patients.”
Aston says, “Kids Day is always a fun event. We have to get there early, and it’s cold because it rained, but every year we have done it, kids are out there having such a good time.”
One of Aston’s favorite parts about Kids Day is “knowing the hour and a half we spend out there is going somewhere positive for our local community.”
“We appreciate everyone’s donations, and all the kids and parents. Every donation is appreciated and is needed,” Aston says.

Lilliana Gonzales, ’24, says, “Kids Day really means a lot to me because I was one of those kids for a while, so it has a special place in my heart.”
“I knew what to expect this year so I was a lot more successful, especially because we sold all our group newspapers,” says Gonzales.

Payton Short, ’25, says, “Kids Day is getting the opportunity to do things for the Kids who need help.”
Short’s group sold two rounds of paper. “[There were] many people who donated when we asked, but there were also some people who waved us off or already bought one,” says Short.

“A lot of our accomplishments were when people would donate, or when we could convince people to,” Julianna Torres, ’26, says. “Some defeats we faced were people looking away from us or purposely speeding up.”
Alexis Seals, ’27, says, “I feel like Kids Day went really well. My group was very energetic and we tried to get [as many] buyers as we could.”
“Kids Day means a lot to me because I went through something and it meant a lot to help,” says Seals.
Tags: kids day, megan yang, news, rangers, Redwood, redwood gigantea, redwood high school, redwood journalism, redwood news, redwood rangers, rhs, valley children's life center, visalia ca