By: Donya Hassanshahi

Jacob Hutchison, ’24, plans to major in economics at the University of Pennsylvania [UPenn] in Fall 2024. During his time at Redwood, he has obtained through his leadership in extracurriculars like the Future Business Leaders of America [FBLA] and Mock Trial.

As a student pursues education, each individual seeks a group—something that binds a person with another. Whether that be through academic activities, or athletics, students have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a vast array of extracurriculars.

Moving to ambitions beyond high school, a student transitions from being seen solely as their GPA to becoming human.

Come Fall 2024, Jacob Hutchison, ’24, will be majoring in economics with a concentration in entrepreneurship and finance at the Wharton School or Business at the University of Pennsylvania.

As a Ranger, Hutchison served as co-president of the mock trial team, began the National Honors Society [NHS] chapter as president, and was involved in the Redwood Future Business leaders of America [FBLA]. He also lead as the state president for the California FBLA, ending his term in April 2024.

Hutchison (second left) at FBLA conference
photo courtesy Hutchison

Aside from his extracurricular load, his coursework consisted of advanced placement [AP] and dual-enrollment courses through College of the Sequoias [COS]. On Thursday, May 23rd, Hutchison graduated alongside COS graduates as he earned his associates degree [AA] in law of public policy and society.

Recently, Hutchison was awarded as a United States Presidential Scholar from the United States Department of Education. Over nearly five-thousand nominees, he was one of one-hundred-sixty-one globally and one of twenty in the nation after being nominated by the California FBLA state advisor.

In the past, Hutchison foresaw himself majoring in the field of law. He says, “I’ve always had a pretty severe interest in law; becoming an attorney, owning a corporate law—things like that. The more I explored law, I realized that the most I enjoyed about law wasn’t necessarily the legal aspect of the job, but more of helping other businesses and working with entrepreneurs.”

Hutchison at COS graduation alongside family
photo courtesy Hutchison

When he immersed himself in Mock Trial and FBLA, he was exposed to the business realm. “It’s really been enlightening for me to realize that [interest]. Now, I’m really excited to go and be completely involved in business, and eventually own my own business,” says Hutchison.

Reflecting on his high school career, Hutchison says that deciding where he will attend for his future academic endeavors was the most challenging. It wasn’t until about two days before the deadline that he decided to accept UPenn. “The University of Pennsylvania has always been my dream school. It’s the number one school for business education and it’s an Ivy League, so it’s a really big deal to go there,” he says. Although the benefits are plentiful, he says he had to consider cons like financial conflicts.

Granted the success Hutchison has had in his academic and personal endeavors, he says that his family has always been his inspiration as he’s grown up.

“[My parents] definitely started off in a position where they were a lot less fortunate and I realize that if they can get from there to where we are now, I can do pretty much anything that I put my mind to. My dad has a quote that he always says, ‘Work harder than the hardest worker, and the opportunities are endless,’ and that’s definitely been my motto throughout high school.”

Jacob Hutchison, ’24
Hutchison with Mock Trial 2023-2024
photo courtesy Hutchison

While he attended the FBLA state conference this year, Hutchison went on to acquire first place in the future business leader and job interview events. He says that the most important skill that he has accumulated during high school was through FBLA, saying he improved on “the ability to speak, not only in public, but within an interview.”

Considering the numerous activities Hutchison has been involved with, the advice he would relay to students would be “to make sure that you don’t overwhelm yourself, because obviously it’s going to make all of your work product a little bit less than your it should be—not as high quality— but it still is just as important to give yourself just as you can possibly handle.”

Hutchison says he can recall times where he didn’t think he’d be able to fulfill his responsibilities. Despite the time he invested in ensuring he completes his load, he says the high school journey is more than getting into college.

“I’m a different person than I was freshman year. I have matured in every aspect and it’s helped me realize who I am. If I never joined FBLA or Mock Trial, I’d really have no idea what I want to do with my life. Everything you do isn’t just to build your resume or to build connections, it’s to build who you are.”

Jacob Hutchison, ’24
Donya Hassanshahi

Donya Hassanshahi, '24 is a third year journalism student writing for the Redwood Gigantea. She seeks interest in the Humans of Redwood, hoping to inspire the Redwood community with her writing. You can reach her by her email at


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